Friday 27 February 2009

cik sabariah

bengang gler smlm..
time lepak2 ngn dak2 klaz cm byase ske sebok2..
xley bla ble bgtw aq yg cik sabariah nk jmpe mak aq..
dye kte aq kwang aja sbb baling kusi..
hey! xcuse me, ble mse lak aq men baling2 kusi e?
aq ckp kt, klo dye nk jmpe mak sy..jmpe r, sy xtakot!

time inform bnde e x rmi dak klaz takat 6 org jew yg de
aq snyap jew time tu psg tinge..jakg dak2 backup aq haha

cte dye cmni..
aritu ktorg kne denda sbb x off aircond time blk..
dye bg 2 plihan..nk diri smpi kol10 o lari 1 ilp..
ofcoz r nk diri..da r de yg pose, gilo apo..
nmpk sgt x puaz ati..bpe kali ta dye soh ktorg lari
jakg dye salahkn ktorg sbb xtnye nk lari dr mne smpi mne
[da kte 1 ilp..ado masalah btol]
pztu dye soh sorg volunteer lari sorg2..spe nk?
aq tgk mke nk nangez sbb xde spe nk ikot ckp dye haha
15mnt sblm abez rehat dye bg ktorg rehat..
mne sempat masok klaz blk, cnfirm lmbt nye..
aritu lak aq lapa tahap gaban so nk xnk tpkse kwa mkn..
msk2 klaz kne sound sbb msk lmbt..lg r dye hangit
da mbebel, dye soh ktorg kmaz klaz..

dcnie la cte sbnr bmle apbile aq mnarik kusi mgunekn kaki
byg r..
kusi pndek aq tggi,
mlz gne tgn aq gne r kaki.
cm pantun la plak hehe
jakg jret2 pggl nme aq..

ezza! ezzarina!
awk sepak kusi eyh?!
mne de?
awk marah kt sy eyh?!
mne de? sy slalu r wt cmni..

xtw lak sbb tu dye bngang ngn aq..
aq xheran sgt ngn cik sabariah..
sbb rmi org xske dye even lect pn de cte psl dye so klo nk dtg uma aq

p/s : cik sabariah e sbnrnye jiran satu lorong aq
so sng sgt nk mnapak g uma aq..
dr sem lpz dye x puaz ati sbb aq xpasan dye jiran aq..haha
nk dkt 2weex klo msk klaz mzti dye tnye..awk da igt sy blm?
ado..sdeyh btol~

Saturday 14 February 2009

Bulletin Surveys
[found diz at]


How old are you?
2oo9 – 199o = ?
kire sndri..

How would you describe your personality?
hepy go lucky
panaz baran ya rabbi

Would you consider yourself easy to get along with?
not sure

Do you have a pet?
a cat n hamsters

Do you wear glasses?
klo gne computer jew..tu pn kt uma

What is your ethnic background?

Do you speak any other languages?
english n rojak only hahaha

Do you drive? If so, what car?
yup. toyota avanza.

What’s your favorite season?
musim bunga tp aq x minat bunga
for sure


When did you make your myspace?
2nd one on 2oo7..kot?
lpe r..

How many friends do you have?
242 (chosen)

How do you feel about the first friend on your whole myspace list?
dye sorg jew mmbe paling ngam ngn pangai aq

How do you feel about the last friend on your whole myspace list?
he loves korean look

Are you online a lot?
klo lepak kt uma
free kn..huhu


Have you ever been in relationship?

How many crushes have you had?
xde sorg pn dlm senarai org yg pnh aq cple
cuz dye x pnh cple ngn aq huhu

Do you like somebody?

Do you ask, or get asked?
i m not going to ask
malu la weyh

Does the person that you like know that you like them?
x tanye pulak hahaha
x kot..

Do they like you?
i dunno la

What kind of person are you looking for?
gud looking
got his own style [ yg sedap mte mmandang hehe ]

What is most important about a person?


Do you play any after-school sports?
badminton - fav game

What is your favorite class?
takat nie..
bi - miz nora
agama - ustd amir

Do you like your high school?
not really..pngalaman kelat
tp pnoh nikmat hak3

Are you a math person?
top hater


Would you consider yourself smart?
pandai makan

Do you like skaters? Would you want to be one?
da way they skate..
no..i wanna b a racer..x kire r moto o keta

Have you ever been in a fight?
many times

Do you think that you are strong?
kuat marah
kuat bebel
kuat nangez haha

Who would win, boxer or ultimate fighter?
da one dat use their brain

Friday 13 February 2009

blz tag jap..

tag from kak fareeza [thnx kak]


A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people

What have you been doing recently?
messaging ofcoz, men badminton klo de game, n g klaz hehe

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
automtclly off ble bteri kong hehe

What happened at 10am today?
pz rehat lepak kt klaz..3mnt later wan msg:
‘(klo nk bgtw awal2 aq meetg jakg)..npe anta msg ni kt aq..’
aiyo slh send la..soe2

When did you last cry?
1o feb o9 [on tues]
tp bpe titik jew haha
dwet ilang lg..diz time rm3o
location : locker yg dkunci

Believe in fate/destiny?
n i believe dat we can change it

What do you want in your life now?

Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
klo lebat tpakse r..
takat rintik2, payong gne tgn sudehh

What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
lepak baring tdo

What bottoms are you wearing now?
simple black..eyhhhhh

Whats the nicest things in your inbox?

Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?

Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
itz all mine

What was the last movie you caught?
antoo fighter wid ma ex
actlly time tu aq nk lepak kinokuniya hehe

What are you proud of?
clean successful

aq tw stiap yg bjaya pzti ade cela sblmnye

What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
’owh lyn lgu2 aq r eaa.. ermm ko nk trn kt bola tampa ke kol brape? aq mls nk pki suar sume r..’

What was the last song you sang out loud?
this is me – demi lovato

Do you have any nicknames?
- ezza [umum]
- intan [wan a.k.a nenek aq & aunt mummy a.k.a ex bos mak aq]
- kak ezza [ma 1st lil sis & 2nd lil bro]

- along [prntz, ma 3rd lil sis n ma laz lil bro]

What does the newest text say?
’ko tgu kt cafe’

What time did you go to bed last night?
12 kot..mne la aq pasan..
mne de org tdo tgk jam..adoyai

Are you currently happy?
absolutely..sumthing hppn td hehehe

Who gives you the best advise?
prntz ofcoz
even msgs pn save tw tp da kne format T..T

Who did you talk on the phone last night?
dunno who..
but he noe ma nme
huh spe la gamaknye

Is something bugging you know

Who was the last person to make you laugh?

aq nk tag..

1. sesape
2. jew
3. yg
4. nk
5. wt
6. anda
7. dpersilakn
8. Natasha

Saturday 7 February 2009


waa..arini lteh gler..
sbnrnye aq e slh sorg biro agama hehe
arini aq ganti kak laila yg sptotnye jd facy..
peh pg2 da kne siap2 haha x pnh2 aq sidai kaen kol6 pg huh

dlm kol7.3o am ustad pn smpi..
otw mnuju ke desinasi [ayat xley bla]
gelak jew kje aq hahaha ust.borhan r pnye psl..klaka dowh dye
pztu de akak e kak nisa [cane ta eja nme dye] klaka gak..
dye e ske mjawab, ptot ustd ske usik dye..
yeye jew kte umo 18..rpe2nye 26..comel ouh akk e..

x silap aq nme skola tu wangsa melawati..
aq pn x pasan cuz aq usha skali imbaz jew..
seb bek yg ade dak2 f1
tghri cmtu dorg bhg2 para facy pn kne la wt kje yg sptotnye

mle2 aq soh dak2 e wt bulatan then aq dok tgh2..jakg de lak yg x dgr..
byk kali aq tuka tmpt..kejap dpn kejap tgh kejap tepi
laz2 aq bengang..
aq tnmpk tangge kt pentaz ala rendah je [2 langkah jew tngge tu]..
so aq pn dok kt ctu..dak2 kt bwh tp de gak yg lepak kt sebla aq, yela..takot x dgr

nk kecot ank tekak aq..rmi ouh dak2 e..x jret kang x dgr lak..
haha jakg dorg ckp 'akak nie ckp jew, minum..ckp jew, minum'
mne x nye smpi xde sore aq mbebel haha

time nk blk..jam pulak..tnsion jew ustd..jakg dye g men brek lak..tkjot2 aq haha syial err
da r aq tgh tdo time tu haha lteh siot

nie stu2nye pic yg aq smpt snap kt sne..sorg lg facy yg jgk sr aq huhu